If a fluid has reduced filterability, the filter element will block up rapidly, perhaps frequently. In opposition to this, good filterability of the fluid does not guarantee good filter service life. This presents the question, “Is poor filterability the fault of the fluid, or the fault of something else?”
Testing filterability will provide customers with a measure of how well their process fluid will perform in the final filtration. If the filterability is poor, the customer will have the chance to apply palliative treatments. Palliative treatments will ensure homogeneity and avoid problems arising during processing.
Fluid is passed through a standard 47mm disc of the chosen final filter micron rating and media and filtration speed monitored versus time. This data is extrapolated out and scaled up to your system requirements.
Hall Pyke can perform filterability tests either in-house in our lab in Dublin or on site. For more information about filterability testing services, please get in contact with a member of the Hall Pyke team.