MB-PPKP Melt Blown Filter

MB-PPKP Filter Cartridges are made of polypro-pylene non-woven with no surfactants, binders, or adhesives. These filters have long service life and high dirt holding capacity. They are suitable for the water treatment industry.

Features and Benefits

  • 100% pure polypropylene depth filter with high dirt holding capacity
  • No wetting agents, solvents, surfactants, or binders, or adhesives
  • Reduce filtration cost
  • No fiber-releasing

Typical Applications

  • Water Treatment
  • Potable Water Filtration
  • Cooling Water Systems

Flow Rate Characteristics

Materials of Construction

Filter media Polypropylene
Inner Core Polypropylene
End Caps and Adaptors Polypropylene
Nominal O.D. 63 mm
Nominal I.D. 28 mm

Operating Conditions

Max. Operating Temperature 60°C)
Max. Changeout Differential Pressure 35 psid (2.41 bar)

Ordering Information

MB-PPKP Removal Ratings End Cap Nominal Length Seal Material
0100=1.0μm H = PE Gaskets 10 = 10″ S = Silicona
0500=5.0μm TC = 222 o-ring/flat cap 20 = 20″ E = EPDM
1000=10 μm TF = 222 o-ring/fin 30 = 30″ V = Viton
2000=20 μm SF = 226 o-ring/fin 40 = 40″
5000=50 μm DOE = Double Open End 50 = 50″
7500=75 μm



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