Microcnx® Series Connectors

MicroCNX® Connectors introduce a new category of aseptic micro-connectors that provide a simple, efficient method of connecting tubing for small-format biomanufacturing assemblies. MicroCNX connectors are the modern alternative to the cumbersome, industrial process of tube welding. Building on the inventiveness of CPC, the leader in single-use connection technology, the MicroCNX line of connectors is engineered specifically for the challenging conditions of biologic media transfer in bioprocessing, cell therapy and gene therapy applications.

Features Benefits
PINCH-CLICK-PULL Intuitive three-step connection process reduces risk of operator error
Easy to use Lowers risk of operator error and related performance, reliability and safety concerns
Genderless Eases single-use systems specifications with one part number for both halves
CPC Click Audible confirmation of assembly with no additional hardware required


File Description File size Downloads
pdf CPC-MicroCNX-Spec-Sheet 412 KB 112

Product Attributes

Specifications & CV Value

Operating Conditions (Fluid Transfer)
Pressure: Up to 60 psi, 4.1 bar
Up to 75 psi, 5.1 bar for 48 hours
Temperature: 34°F to 104°F (1°C to 40°C)
Main Components: Polycarbonate (white), USP Class VI, ADCF
Seals: Silicone (clear), platinum-cured, USP Class VI, ADCF
Protective Cover: Polypropylene (teal), USP Class VI, ADCF
Membrane Hydrophobic Polyethersulfone (clear), USP Class VI, ADCF
Gamma Up to 50 kGy irradiation
Autoclave One Cycle up to 266°F (130°C) for 60 minutes
Cv Value (Typical Flow Rate)
Cv Value Range: 0.04-0.27 for MicroCNX hose barb terminations
Cv values represent the approximate expected flow rate in gallons per minute of water at room temperature for a 1 PSI pressure drop. The flow is generally constrained by the smallest diameter, which in some cases will be the termination diameter and not the Nominal Flow Path.