Process Filter P-GS

Sterile Filter of Sintered Steel for Gases, Liquids and Steam

Ultrafilter P-GS

The ultrafilter P-GS filter is designed for removal of particles from gases, liquids and steam. The P-GS consists of a regenerable weldless filter pipe made from sintered stainless steel. The retention rate extend from 1 μm to 25 μm.


  • Filter medium and endcaps made of stainless steel
  • Retention rate of 1 μm, 5 μm and 25 μm (98% efficiency for steam and 100% efficiency for gases)
  • Sintered stainless steel filter medium with a porosity level of more than 50%
  • Regenerable with ultrasonic bath
  • Stainless steel sintering technology
  • Available in 13 sizes
  • Components made of stainless steel


  • Good durability against most liquids, gases and aggressive steams
  • Exactly defined particle retention rate at given pore size
  • High dirt holding capacity, good flow rate at low differential pressure
  • Filtration costs reduced to a minimum, in particular for hight dirt load
  • No use of additives or other chemical binders needed
  • Optimum filter size for individual application
  • Temperature range from -20°C up to 210°C


Filter media Sintered SS 1.4404
Endcaps SS 1.4301
Bonding material Plastic Steel*
O-Rings EPM**
* > 150°C welded endcaps
** Silicone, Buna N, Viton,
Aflas or Kalrez on request

Filtration surface

494 cm2 per 10“ element (10/30) (250 mm)

Absolute retention rate

1 μm, 5 μm, 25 μm

Temperature range

-20 oC to 210°C

Max. differential pressure

5 bar


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