Roheap CSD Filter


  • Filter media composed of lignocellulose and inorganic filter aids
  • Gradient filter structure provides high dirt holding capacity and retention efficiency
  • Low initial pressure difference and long service life
  • Positive Zeta charge results in removal efficiency for host DNA, HCP, etc.


  • Clarification of fermentation broth/cell cultures
  • Filtration of blood and blood products
  • Filtration of enzyme preparation
  • Filtration of colloids/viscous liquids

Operating Parameter

Filter Material
Filter Media Cellulose diatomite filter aid and ionic wet-strength resin


Operating Conditions
Depth Filter CDFC Capsule Filter
Max. Temperature 80°C 40°C
Max. Differential Pressure 0.24 MPa 0.3 MPa /40°C
Rinse Flushing volume 50L/mÇ,Flow Rate 10L/min/m²


Biological Safety
Endotoxins <0.25 EU/ml
Bio-compatibility Meet the requirement of USP<87> In Vitro Cytotoxicity Test;Meet the criteria of the USP<88> Biological Reactivity Test for Class VI-121°C plastics


Filter Forma Single Layer Double Layers
CDFC 23cm² 23cm²
L05 205cm² 150cm²
L10 450cm² 250cm²
CSCA 0.2m² 0.15m²
CSCB 1.16m² 1m²
CSD 12″ Per Layer 1.16m² 0.11m²
CSD 16″ Per Layer 0.23m² 0.23m²


Chemical Compatibility
Chemicals Concentration @20°C P
NaOH 2% G P
HCl 5% G P
HNO3 5% G P
H2SO4 10% G G
Acetic acid 38% G G
Citric acid 10% G G
Peracetic acid 0.1% G G
Butanol 80% G G
Ethanol 80% G P



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